AFI15-180 Publication Summary:


This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive 15-1, Atmospheric and Space Environmental Sup-port. It provides guidance and procedures for conducting the evaluation of Air Force Weather (AFW) technical proficiency and compliance with Headquarters United States Air Force (HQ USAF) standards. It outlines the frequency of evaluations, responsibilities of the AFW Standardization and Evaluation Pro-gram (AFWSEP) team members, and reporting format. It defines the method of computing a conformity index, which depicts an indication of compliance with HQ USAF policies and standards. This instruction applies to all USAF active duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard (ANG) and civilian-contracted (except ANG units) weather units. All references to Major Commands (MAJCOM) pertain specifically to HQ MAJCOM Directorate of Weather and/or weather Functional Area Manager functions and personnel.

Summary of Changes:

This document is substantially revised and must be completely reviewed.



AFI 15-180, 28 May 1997


AFI 15-180, 28 May 1997; AFI 15-180, 1 June 1996



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