AFI11-2U-2V1 Publication Summary:


This instruction implements AFPD 11-2, Aircraft Rules and Procedures; AFPD 11-4, Aviation Service; and AFI 11-202V1, Aircrew Training. It establishes the minimum Air Force standards for training and qualifying personnel performing duties in the U-2.

Summary of Changes:

This revision incorporates rewording, clarification, and formatting guidance. Paragraph 1.4.2. removed FTU IPUG training as an alternative prerequisite for BMC and CMR and allowed previously qualified U-2 IPs to enter IP upgrade before completing MQT. Paragraph 1.5.6. realigned training cycle to coin-cide with fiscal year (1 October to 30 September). Paragraph 3.1. added Conventional Certification in addition to SIOP Certification and clarified Conventional Certification requirements. “Verification” was changed to “Certification.” Paragraph deleted and included in tactics training. Paragraph added Stall Awareness Training. Paragraph changed CMR training currency to 24 months. Paragraph 4.2.4. added descriptions of Category III Training. Paragraph reference changed from CJCSI 2311.01 to Flight Information Handbook. Table 4.1. updated frequency require-ments; added Stall Awareness Training, Marshalling Exam, Anti-Hijacking, Substance Abuse Education, and Military Equal Opportunity Newcomer’s Orientation; removed Social Actions. Tabl e 4. 2. removed Photo Flight Line as RAP Event and reduced EXP Instrument Departure, Precision Approach and Non-Precision Approach requirements from 12 to 8. Table 4.3. Changed TU-2S backseat takeoff cur-rency from 60 to 90 days to be consistent with landing currency. Table 4.3. Note 3, clarified currency affect on BMC/CMR status while deployed on a flying TDY. Paragraph clarified Lookback requirements when deployed on a flying TDY. Paragraph 4.9. expanded to clarify “Proration” guide-lines. Terms, added Tactical Departure/Arrival and RAP Event. Paragraph A2.2.2. PFL deleted as U-2 Event. Paragraph A2.2.9. Stall Training deleted as U-2 Event. Tabl e A2. 1. added. Attachment 4, format updated. A “|” indicates revised material since the last edition.



AFI 11-2U-2 V1, 1 July 1998


AFI 11-2U-2 V1, 1 July 1998; ACCI 11-U2/SR-71V1, 1 July 1997



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