Table SA07 -- Wage and Salary Disbursements by Industry Table SA07 presents BEA's State estimates of wage and salary disbursements for Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) two-digit industries. These estimates are on a place-of-work basis. The principal source data for the State estimates of wage and salary disbursements are from the ES-202 series provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The ES-202 series provides monthly employment and quarterly wages for each State (and county) in SIC four-digit detail. BEA restricts its wage and salary estimates to the SIC Division ("one-digit") and two-digit levels and suppresses these estimates in many individual cases in order to preclude the disclosure of information about individual employers. Greater detail of the BEA State-level personal income methodology is located in the PI_METH sub-directory of the SPI CD-ROM. Please read the file README.DOC in that directory, or select "1987-93 Methodology" from the "Personal Income Methodology" submenu of the "Documentation" menu. U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Economic Measurement Division