This web site provides public access and preservation services for the nearly 5,000 CD-ROMs, DVDs, and floppy disks distributed by the GPO under the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). These tangible products have been received through the FDLP since the 1980s and consist of millions of individual files containing fundamental data on economics, the environment, population, and life and physical sciences. The products will be more easily accessed through this project as the collection becomes more comprehensive.
This project is based on proven technologies and techniques that have been developed in the research lab of Dr. Geoffrey Brown, Professor of Computer Science in the School of Informatics and Computing at IU Bloomington, with input from Lou Malcomb, Head, Government Information and the Geosciences Library. It supports browsing the digital documentation and other files such as data, images, audio, and video in convenient alternative formats, as well as searching the collection metadata and full text via a search engine on the site or through popular web search engines. Additional access is provided to the collection through IUCAT (Indiana University's online library catalog), the Indiana State Library Catalog, and OCLC WorldCat.