U.S. Steel Gary Works Photograph Collection, 1906-1971

About HyperStuido

HyperStudio is multimedia presentation software. A presentation consists of a set of cards called a stack. Cards in HyperStudio are used for creations, which are enhanced with multimedia features. Students can design their presentations in unique ways, making the cards disappear, reappear, or move quickly to create animations. Students need basic computer skills to complete the process including; how to turn on and shut down the computer, what to do if the computer freezes, how to find and save files to the desktop and floppy disk, what the words text, font, and color mean, how to click and drag, and how to use two different programs at once, cutting and pasting from one program to another. Students with limited computer knowledge may elect to use pictures only in their stacks, leaving the more elaborate transitions and sound applications to advanced users.