The Indiana University Bloomington Faculty Council Minutes web site will be continually updated to provide access to past minutes.
To facilitate searching and the proper display of these administrative documents, the Indiana University Bloomington Faculty Council minutes and circulars are encoded following the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines (version P4) with a focus on the document structure (tables, lists, etc.) and editorial conventions (strikethroughs, deletions, etc.). Minutes and circulars are comprised of both born-digital and print documents. Typewritten documents were scanned using FineReader Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to generate full-text for TEI encoding. The born-digital documents, namely the circulars, often undergo a series of revisions (i.e., Microsoft Word's "Track Changes"), which require the encoding to reflect in-line comments, additions, deletions and strikethroughs, all common editorial conventions. As encoding progresses, this site will be updated with a goal to eventually include all existing sets of minutes and circulars from 1969 to the present.
Software for the project is developed in Java, using Java Servlet technology, Java Server Pages, and the Apache Struts Java Web application framework. TEI documents are transformed for the web using the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) version 1.0. Searching and browsing capabilities are implemented using the open source Extensible Text Framework (XTF) developed by the California Digital Library. The open source Tomcat application server and Apache HTTP Server software deliver the web site.
The Bloomington Faculty Council consists of an elected body of members responsible for exercising faculty authority for the Bloomington campus. For more information, visit the Bloomington Faculty Council.