Archives Photograph Collection

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Varsity Pharmacy

image number:



This image scanned from page 475 of the 1926 Arbutus yearbook. This image also appears on page 463 of the 1927 Arbutus yearbook, 429 of the 1928 Arbutus yearbook, and page 441 of the 1929 Arbutus yearbook. An article on Page 4 of the December 8, 1920 issue of The Indiana Daily Student discusses this building. It reads, in part: "The Varsity Pharmacy, owned and operated by Edgar A. 'Buck' O'Harrow, ex-'19, will open for business next September in a new building to be erected at 122 S. Indiana avenue just north of the Book Nook...Dismantling of the frame structure occupied by Alva Hughes, which is on the site at present, will begin soon after the first of the year." The article contains an image of what was to be a one-story structure designed by Lowe and Bollenbacher of Chicago. On page 4 of the September 13, 1921 edition of The Indiana Daily Student can be found an article regarding the opening of the Varsity Pharmacy which mentions that it opened the day before (Monday, September 12) and that a formal opening would be held near the first of October "..after the stock has been completed and the remaining fixtures placed...E. A. O'Harrow, ex '18 is the manager...John W. O'Harrow...and J.E.P. Holland are also interested in the enterprise." Page 481 of the October 1921 edition of The Indiana Alumni Quarterly notes that the building was erected in the summer of 1921. That its proprietors were J.E.P. Holland (Class of 1906), University Physician; and John O'Harrow, downtown Bloomington druggist. That Edgar O'Harrow (ex Class of 1919) was the manager, and that the building was designed by J. Carlisle Bollenbacher (Class of 1906) of Chicago.

date taken:

probably 1925 or 1926

photographer studio:

Sinclair Studio - Bloomington, Indiana ?

copyright owner:

Sinclair Studio - Bloomington, Indiana ?

personal name:

Holland, James Edwin Parker "J.E.P." / "JEP"

personal name:

O'Harrow, John W.

personal name:

O'Harrow, E. A.

building name:

Varsity Pharmacy

building name:

White Rabbit, The

building name:

Starbucks Coffee Company

building name:

Sinclair Studio

corporate name:

Varsity Pharmacy

corporate name:

White Rabbit, The

corporate name:

Starbucks Coffee Company

corporate name:

Sinclair Studio


Pharmaceutical industry




Photographic studios


Bloomington (Downtown & General Street Scenes)




Student hangouts





other place name:

Indiana Avenue (122 South)


Buildings & Grounds


Last updated: Friday, September 27, 2019 12:07:08
This collection presented by:
The IU Digital Library Program and Indiana University Office of University Archives and Records Management
Harmful Language Statement