Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
JUNE 26, 1993

Attendees: President John D. Walda, Vice President Frederick F. Eichhorn, Jr., Joseph M. Black, MD, Harry L. Gonso, P.A. Mack, Jr., Robert H. McKinney, Eric A. Todd; by telephone, President Tom Ehrlich; Vice President and Chancellor Jerry Bepko, Vice Presidents Judith G. Palmer, Terry Clapacs; Secretary of the Board J. Susan Parrish; Dick Fredland, Dave Robbins, Robert Martin.



President Walda called the meeting to order and welcomed President Tom Ehrlich who participated in the meeting by telephone from California. President Walda explained that this meeting was originally called to allow the Trustees to consider the Indiana University budget for the next biennium, but that, lacking an approved State budget, Indiana University could not yet set its budget for the coming year. He said that a resolution allowing for the continuation of operations of Indiana University would be introduced later in the meeting. He stated that a future meeting of the Trustees would be held after the Legislature approves a budget for the State.

He then called on President Ehrlich for his comments.


President Ehrlich voiced his hope that the State budget issue will be resolved quickly so that we can move forward. He said that planning for various possibilities has taken place and expressed pride in the efforts of Vice President Judy Palmer, Jim Perin, and many others who have worked tirelessly to deal with this very difficult situation.

Trustee Walda added his thanks to the Budget Office staff who did an outstanding job in considering all the different possibilities that could arise out of the passage of a new budget. He noted that the Board might meet next without its full complement of members because of travel and business plans that could not be changed. He mentioned the possibility of connecting everyone by telephone and called for comments from the Board concerning that possibility.

Trustee McKinney said that it would be hard to say whether such a link would be feasible without knowing for certain the date a budget meeting would take place. He said that it would be appropriate to establish a procedure to authorize participation and voting by telephone for those who would not be able to be present, and he made a motion to that effect.

Trustee Walda said that University Counsel was requested to draft an appropriate resolution covering this issue.

Trustee Todd asked if there was a need for those persons who would not be present to be specifically identified, and was told by Trustee Walda that it was not yet certain who would or would not be able to attend, having no firm date.

President Ehrlich noted that he would be in Asia for two weeks. He reiterated that his trip could be canceled, and said that the budget was the most important issue that he and his colleagues had worked on over the past many months. He noted that President Walda had expressed his opinion that, given the large number of key alumni and donors in Asia who have been planning for this visit over many months, a preferable course would be for him to participate by telephone.

Trustee Walda encouraged President Ehrlich to keep to his original schedule, adding that President Ehrlich's itinerary included many important functions at which he would be featured, and he urged President Ehrlich to retain his plans, participating in the future budget meeting by telephone.

Trustee Mack asked if the resolution was intended to cover only one meeting, or if the intent was to be inclusive of future meetings as well.

Trustee Eichhorn noted that in any event, a quorum of the Board was expected to be present at the budget meeting.

Trustee McKinney said that his intent was that the resolution would relate to the next meeting only, and Trustee Mack stated that was his intent as well.


WHEREAS, the next meeting of the Board may need to be held on short notice and upon a date not previously scheduled; and

WHEREAS, one or more members of the Board might be unable to be physically present at the place and time of such meeting; and

WHEREAS, a meeting of this Board may lawfully be held if a majority of the Board is gathered to conduct the public business,

RESOLVED, that if a majority of the Board is physically present, any member of the Board who is able to hear and contribute to the meeting by telephone or other electronic means shall be entitled to participate and vote and be counted as present at such meeting.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

Trustee Walda next introduced a standing resolution to approve the continuation of Indiana University operations and expenditures until such time as a new budget is passed after the appropriation is received.

Trustee Eichhorn moved adoption of the resolution, and said that the sense of the resolution is that because there is not yet an approved State budget, and because the lack of a State budget causes the Board to be unable to adopt a budget for the University, that the University must continue its operations, and that the President and officers of the University are authorized to continue the operations of the University and to expend funds in a manner consistent with the last budget adopted by the Board.


WHEREAS, there may be events such as a failure of the State of timely enact appropriation legislation or an emergency or other unusual event that prevents this Board from timely adopting a budget for Indiana University, and

WHEREAS, if any such event prevents this Board from adopting a budget, the University should be able to continue to operate and expend funds during a temporary period in a fiscal year for which no budget has been adopted,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that whenever the timely adoption by this Board of a budget for Indiana University is prevented by an event, occurrence, or emergency, the President and other officers of the University are authorized to continue the operations of the University and to expend funds available to the University in a manner that is consistent with the most recent budget adopted by this Board, until a new budget is adopted by this Board or until this Board directs the President and officers to act otherwise.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

President Walda called for other business. There being none, he adjourned the meeting.


To be announced.


The meeting was adjourned to meet again on call of the Secretary at a time and place to be determined.

J. Susan Parrish
JUNE 26, 1993