Indiana University Southeast
JUNE 05, 1993

Trustees Present: Board President John D. Walda, Vice President Frederick F. Eichhorn, Dr. Joseph M. Black, Harry L. Gonso, P. A. Mack, Jr., Ray Richardson, and Eric A. Todd.

University Representatives: President Thomas Ehrlich; Vice President and Chancellor Gerald L. Bepko Vice Presidents: J. Terry Clapacs, Judith G. Palmer, and George Walker; Treasurer: Steven A. Miller, Chancellors: H. Daniel Cohen, Charlie Nelms, and Leon Rand; Acting Chancellor Lloyd A. Rowe.

Attendees: Ernesto Aguillera, Gilbert Atnip, Ray Casati, John Dalphin, Walter Daly, Misty Dees, Tonya Ebersole, Paul Eisenberg, Richard Fredland, Juliet Frey, Jay Fultz, James L. Green, Charles O. Hardy, Scott Holden, Walt Lang, Crystal Macchiarella, Norman Overly, Traci Robinson, Jim Stammerman, Phil Suphal, Cliff K. Travis, Guy Wall, Kory Wilcoxson; also Jill Keough and Melissa Tarrant, Recorders; and the staff of the University News Bureau. Also present were representatives of the news media.




1. Approval was requested of Minutes for the Meeting of May 7, 1993, which include the Administrative Action Report of April 20, 1993. The Administrative Action Report of May 19, 1993, will be included in the minutes for this meeting of June 5, 1993.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

2. Approval was requested to reappoint the following persons to the IU School of Law-Indianapolis Board of Visitors for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1993:

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.


President Ehrlich reported that Professor Patrick O'Meara will succeed Professor Albert Rabinowitz for the two-year period 1993-95 as Dean for International Programs. He expressed his confidence in Professor O'Meara's ability to excel in this challenging position.

President Ehrlich noted that Professor Norm Overly was attending his last Board meeting as co-chair of the University Faculty Council, and that he would soon be leaving to assume the leadership of the Malaysia program. He thanked Professor Overly for his dedication.

President Ehrlich paid tribute to outgoing student trustee Eric Todd by awarding him the Thomas Hart Benton Medallion, given to individuals who have made particular contributions to Indiana University. He expressed his pleasure at being able to honor Trustee Todd in recognition of his outstanding service as student trustee.

He then presented to the Trustees a gavel carved from the Constitution Elm at Corydon, Indiana, and given to the University by Robert Griffin of IU Southeast.

Board President Walda expressed gratitude on behalf of all the Trustees for the gavel. He then called on Trustee Gonso for a resolution:


The Trustees of Indiana University acknowledge with grateful appreciation the outstanding service to Indiana University by Eric A. Todd as a member of the Board of Trustees from 1991 to 1993. Appointed by Governor Evan Bayh to the Board of Trustees as the student member, Eric Todd brought to his service a thoughtful consideration of all concerns that arose during his term, and a perceptive understanding of constituencies within the University. The Board benefitted greatly from his care in analyzing the issues, his willingness to express his views, his balanced judgment, and his good company.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.



Trustee Todd introduced Kory Wilcoxson, newly-elected president of the student body at IU Southeast.

1. Remarks from Kory Wilcoxson, President, Student Association, IU Southeast

Mr. Wilcoxson welcomed the Trustees to IU Southeast. He observed that visitors to IU Southeast frequently remark on the beauty of the campus. He stated that the quality of the scenery at IU Southeast is excellent, but the quality of what happens inside the buildings is even higher. He reported that approximately 6,000 students are enrolled at IU Southeast, entrusting their money and education to the care of IU Southeast. In May, 636 students graduated. Over 80% of IU Southeast graduates live and work in the State of Indiana, and IU Southeast graduates live in over 45 states and six foreign countries. Degree holders from IU Southeast have gone on to become CEOs, judges, and lawyers, and one is the mayor of the City of New Albany. Mr. Wilcoxson attributed the success of IU Southeast graduates to a high quality of education, service, faculty, and staff. He stated that the personal and friendly attention each student receives contributes to students' academic and personal growth. Also helping to stimulate this growth are more than 40 extracurricular activities, including clubs, organizations, fraternities, sororities, and honor societies. He cited in particular the Minority Student Union, which has blossomed in recent years and which has been instrumental, along with admissions counselor Jackie Love, in recruiting and retaining minority students.

Mr. Wilcoxson stressed the necessity of growth at IU Southeast to parallel the growth of students. He stated that the addition of Knobview Hall is a step in the right direction, as will be the Cultural and Community Center. In addition, IU Southeast is important as a community leader in the development of Southern Indiana, and continued growth will require resources. IU Southeast is a full-fledged institution of higher learning where students are respected and quality is exemplary. Mr. Wilcoxson said that IU Southeast is guaranteeing Southern Indiana a successful future full of hard-working, well-trained, caring citizens, thus ensuring the maturation and cultural advancement of the community of today and the development of judges, mayors, and presidents of tomorrow.

Trustee Todd thanked Mr. Wilcoxson for his remarks, and he introduced Tonya Ebersole, newly-elected president of the student association at IU East.

2. Remarks from Tonya Ebersole, President, Student Association, IU East

Ms. Ebersole spoke of the rapid growth experienced at IU East in the past several years, both in enrollment and in physical facilities. She noted that enrollment of traditional students has increased, creating a challenge for student government to serve a diverse constituency of students. She stated that her goal as Student Body President is to promote greater student involvement. Many activities at IU East are geared toward family, so that students have the incentive to participate and to involve families. She stated that one event for 1993-94 is a Halloween party with a haunted room and games for the children inside and a bonfire for the parents outside. For the spring, Student Government is planning a Spring Fling, a day of fun and games taking place the week before finals. These events allow both traditional and non-traditional students to become involved in student events.

She stated that as the campus continues to grow, student government is also expanding. A new constitution has recently been adopted with a judicial branch added. The student government is addressing issues of diversity through curriculum and is working with other campus organizations to meet the needs of concerned students.

She expressed her enthusiasm for meeting the challenges of the coming year, and her gratitude for the opportunity she has at IU East to receive a quality education and to gain leadership skills and experience.

Trustee Todd thanked Ms. Ebersole for her remarks. He then introduced Ernesto Aguillera, newlyelected student body president at IU Northwest, noting that Mr. Aguillera will be invited to speak to the Board at a future meeting.

3. Report from Trustee Todd

Trustee Todd reported that the Student Affairs Committee met with student representatives from Southeast, East, Northwest, Bloomington, and South Bend, with several chancellors attending. All Committee members were present. The primary issues discussed were financing the University, tuition, fees, and the budget. In particular, the discussion centered on the perspective of the Board and how to assess priorities and achieve a balance of quality. Trustee Todd stated that it is difficult to strike a balance between quality, affordability, and accessibility. He said that these discussions are very beneficial in the decision-making process, and he encouraged further input from students as the Board deliberates the 1993-1995 budget.


Trustee Eichhorn reported that the Faculty Relations Committee met for discussion of two topics: the intellectual property policy, and the balanced case for consideration of instructional staff for promotion and tenure. He stated that the Committee did not have any actions to recommend at this point, choosing to continue discussion on both topics previously stated. He said that the intellectual property policy might be a featured discussion topic at the September Board meeting. He reported that the balanced case discussion centered on the emphasis on teaching and research and the effect of research and teaching, each on the other, and observed that each campus of this institution is examining some aspects of teaching. Mary Anne Baker from IU Southeast presented her position with regard to the current policy and the proposed amendment to the faculty handbook. Other speakers were Richard Fredland, Paul Eisenberg, Norm Overly, and the Trustees in attendance. Trustee Eichhorn reported that at the end of the meeting, there was not unanimity among the faculty regarding the proposed changes in the faculty handbook language. Board President Walda observed that perhaps the issue is not language, but implementation and interpretation.

Trustee Eichhorn stated that the Committee had a very open, frank discussion of these two subjects and agreed that the seriousness of the subjects required further discussion and study.


Trustee Mack stated that with the groundbreaking for the library at IU Kokomo the previous week and the new library opening this summer at IUPUI, it was fitting that the External Relations Committee met with all members present to hear a report from James Neal, Dean of the IU Libraries. He said that IU has an outstanding library system that has performed well in the last few years with restricted budgets. In Committee, Dean Neal reported that IU Libraries are ranked 14th in the nation by the Association of Research Libraries. He also reported that the statewide budget for the University Libraries is $35 million. Of that, $22 million is allocated to the Bloomington campus, with $2 million of that $22 million earmarked for the Library automation project budget for the entire system. The allocation to IUPUI is $7.2 million, and the other campuses receive a total of $5.5 million. Each year, 50,000 to 55,000 students have some contact with the libraries' instructional environments which provide access to databases and interlibrary access to students and citizens at no charge. Trustee Mack reported that Indiana University has done well in acquisitions, in spite of having to make tough decisions about what to acquire. The library budget in Bloomington is $20 million, with $6 million of that devoted to increasing collections. Purchasing power is declining because budget increases have not kept up with inflation. Declines in the dollar's value abroad has also hurt our ability to purchase foreign journals. Trustee Mack reported that Dean Neal voiced many concerns, but stressed three main areas. 1) The centrality that libraries serve in enhancing the University's mission of teaching, research, and service requires funding, but the costs are outstripping the resources. 2) There has been erosion of the library infrastructure – staff – on the Bloomington campus because of a reduction in real dollars of about $1.3 million. 3) Technology is critical to success of the library system, but there has been no growth in technology funds in the last four years.

Trustee Mack stated that recent and current library building programs were also discussed. On the Bloomington campus, all the science libraries have exceeded their space. The main library will run out of space in three to five years. A compact storage facility has been proposed which will cost from $3 to $3.5 million. It is seen as a facility that will help in the delivering of library materials to people, but not as an addition to the main library. Trustee Mack stated that Dean Neal views this facility as a warehouse where certain volumes would be kept. Dean Neal sees a gradual change in the way information in journals and books is delivered. CD-ROM technology will be a tool that will be increasingly used. He said that he envisions a virtual library which offers access to data no matter where it is physically housed. Dean Neal stressed that technology is changing the way information is delivered, and that IU must keep pace with technological advances. He also noted that it will take time for some of the developing countries to advance to today's technological capabilities and that collections from those areas will continue to consist of books and journals as we now know them. Trustee Mack reported that Chancellor Nelms expressed his appreciation to Dean Neal for his vision and help in the development of the IU Libraries. Trustee Mack thanked Chancellor Nelms for his comment, which summarizes the position of the committee and the Board as a whole.


Trustee Black reported that the Hospital Committee met on Wednesday, May 26, with Dean Walter J. Daly and the hospital committee staff. The Committee reviewed the quality assessment and improvement activities including the following key areas: 1) a summary of quarterly reports reviewed for the clinical departments during the January, February, March, 1993 meetings by the Professional Standards Committee. 2) A summary of the bi-annual reports of hospital departments reviewed by the Quality Assessment and Improvement Committee during January, February, and March, 1993. 3) The results of the Indiana State Department of Health license survey were announced. This is an unannounced survey that the State Board of Health performs on an annual basis. The last item was a comprehensive review of medical staff by-laws, rules, regulations, administrative policies and procedures which is in process. The Committee also heard a report on hospital indicators. Admissions were at 17,836, approximately 1% below budget. The new program of observation beds more than compensates for this loss of admissions. Patient days were at 135,221, approximately .4% below budget. Average length of stay was 7.82 days, which is remarkable for a tertiary care hospital. The hospitals are operating well within budget targets. The Committee also discussed health care trends, and heard an update on the proposed changes in health care on both the national and state level. This included a review of many of the ideas under consideration by the Clinton administration. There was also specific discussion of Medicaid problems. The Committee discussed the hospital budget, but no action was taken because of the unavailability of the Medicaid rules as yet. The last item considered by the Committee was medical staff credentialing, which was approved. Also, the credentialing process was reviewed, and included a discussion of the clinical departments, credentials committee, the executive council, the medical staff, the hospital committee, and the Board. Trustee Black stated that it was an excellent meeting and he expressed his appreciation to Dean Daly and his staff for the quality of information they provide the Committee.


1. Architectural Report

Trustee Gonso reported that the Architectural and Construction Committee discussion focused primarily on the Indianapolis campus. Ed Barnes, University Master Architect, will be retiring this year, and Vice President Clapacs and his staff are working on that transition. Mr. Barnes also serves as University architect for the South Bend campus as well, so his retirement will cause a major loss for the University, and yet an opportunity to plan for the future.

The Committee interviewed two architectural firms for the pediatric ambulatory care addition to Riley Memorial Hospital. Trustee Gonso noted that earlier interviews had been conducted by Dr. Stuart Kleit, Dean Walter Daly, Vice President Bepko, and their respective staffs. The Committee viewed presentations of two outstanding, world-renowned pediatric hospital architects, and the ultimate decision was to recommend that the University go forward with the Kaplan, McLaughlin, & Diaz firm out of San Francisco, which will affiliate with two local firms, Boyd/Sobieray Associates, Inc., and Finks, Roberts, & Petrie, to provide those services.

Trustee Gonso reported that the Committee also viewed a presentation by Boyd/Sobieray concerning the architectural treatment of the Cancer Research Laboratory and the Cancer Treatment Clinic in Indianapolis. This project involves renovation of one existing building and construction of one new building, which will be located across from Riley Children's Hospital. This new facility is funded primarily from the Representative Myers grant. One issue associated with this facility is the need for an above-ground pedestrian walkway. Trustee Gonso said that the Committee urged that Vice President Clapacs and his staff give careful attention to that need and bring a design back to the Architectural Committee. Trustee Gonso stated that the Committee recommended approval of all items.

Trustee Black noted that the Hospital Committee endorses the Architectural Committee recommendations.

Board President Walda stated that anyone interested in proposing a design for the pedestrian walkway should submit those proposals to Vice President Clapacs.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

2. Construction Report

a. Construction Contract Awards

No action items

b. Other Construction Matters

No action items


Board President Walda reported that Trustee McKinney, Chairman of the Investment and Fiscal Committee was unable to attend this meeting of the Board because he was in Moscow participating in a program to introduce private banking to the Russians. He stated that Trustee McKinney would report on the May 19, 1993 Investment and Fiscal Committee at the next meeting. Copies of the report from that meeting have been circulated to the Board.

1. Other Fiscal Actions appear in the Administrative Action Report dated April 20, 1993.


1. Committee Report

Trustee Richardson stated that the Committee received a report from Vice President Clapacs concerning the progress of the Commission on Health. Some of the Commission's recommendations to the Trustees would take effect January 1, 1994, and the balance on January 1, 1995. The Faculty Council and staff were requested to have their comments about the 1995 proposals to the Trustees prior to the September, 1993 meeting of the Board. Trustee Richardson said that the Committee also heard discussion on the periodic review of tenured faculty from Vice Presidents Gros Louis and Bepko, as well as Professors Norm Overly and Dick Fredland, co-secretaries of the UFC, and incoming co-secretary, Professor Paul Eisenberg. Copies of the report of the IUPUI Task Force on Faculty Appointments and Advancements were distributed. That report is the culmination of five years of nationally recognized work on a variety of important topics, including the review of tenured faculty. Trustee Richardson noted that the committee will return to the subject at a future date.

2. Personnel Actions

Trustee Richardson moved approval of personnel actions as follows:

a. INDIANA UNIVERSITY - President Ehrlich

Reappointments and Changes of Status

1. For Patrick O'Meara, Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs and of Political Science, the additional title of Dean, Office of International Programs, for the period August 1, 1993 to June 30, 1995, while on leave of absence as Director of the African Studies Program, College of Arts and Science, effective July 31, 1993.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

b. INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON - Vice President and Chancellor Gros Louis

Initial Appointments

1. For Ellen E. Seiter as Professor of Telecommunications, with tenure, College of Arts and Sciences, beginning August 1993.

2. For David H. Waterman as Associate Professor of Telecommunications, with tenure, College of Arts and Sciences, beginning August 1993.

3. For Catherine Clarke Fraser as Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, with tenure, College of Arts and Sciences, beginning August 1993.

Reappointments and Changes in Status

4. For Susan H. Williams, reappointment with a change in title from Visiting Professor of Law to Professor of Law, with tenure, School of Law, beginning August 1993.

5. For David Clair Williams, reappointment with a change in title from Visiting Associate Professor to Professor of Law, with tenure, School of Law, beginning August 1993.

6. For Paula Marie Niedenthal, reappointment with a change in title from Visiting Scholar to Associate Professor of Psychology, with tenure, College of Arts and Sciences, beginning August 1993.

7. For Eileen Julien, reappointment with a change in title from Visiting Professor to Professor of Comparative Literature, with tenure, College of Arts and Sciences, beginning August 1993 and leave of absence without pay for the 1993-1994 academic year.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.


Initial Appointments

1. Alfred R. Potvin as Professor of Electrical Engineering, with tenure, and Dean, School of Engineering & Technology, beginning July 1, 1993.

2. Antoinette F. Hood as Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, with tenure, Director of the Dermatopathology Division and Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1993.

Reappointments and Changes of Status

3. For Robert C. Klemkosky, reappointment as Fred T. Greene Professor of Finance, School of Business-Bloomington, for the period August 16, 1993 to August 15, 1996.

4. For Michael Metzger, Professor of Business Law and Associate Dean of Academics, the additional title of Charles M. Hewitt Professor of Business Law, School of Business-Bloomington, for the period July 1, 1993 to August 15, 1996.

5. For Jack R. Wentworth, Professor of Business Administration, drop the title of University Dean, effective June 30, 1993 and add the title of Arthur M. Weimer Professor of Business Administration, School of Business-Bloomington, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1998.

6. For Virginia A. Caine, a change in title from Assistant Professor, part-time, to Assistant Professor of Medicine, with tenure, School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1993.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.


There were no Conflict of Interest Statements for this meeting of June 5, 1993.


Approval was requested for the award of degrees as of May 31, 1993.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.


Trustee Richardson requested approval of Honorary Degrees awarded at Commencement to the following persons:

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

6. Other Personnel Actions appear in the Administrative Action Report dated May 19, 1993.


Trustee Todd reported that the Real Estate and Legal Committee heard discussion on three items, which were recommended for approval.


a. Conveyance of Land for Right-of-way, Henderson and Atwater Streets, Bloomington


WHEREAS, the City of Bloomington (City) plans to reconstruct Henderson Street, South of the Bloomington campus including the widening of and improvement to the intersection at Henderson Street and Atwater Avenue; and,

WHEREAS, the City has requested that the Trustees of Indiana University (University) convey additional right-of-way of 174 square feet on the corner of a vacant lot owned by it and located at the Southeast corner of the intersection in order to improve the turning radius at the intersection; the requested right-of-way being more particularly described as:

A part of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 4, Township 8 North, Range 1 West, Monroe County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot Number 18 in University Heights Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 46 in the Office of the Recorder, Monroe County, thence NORTH 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds EAST (assumed bearing) concurrent with the north line of Lot Number 18 a distance of 17.90 feet; thence SOUTH 49 degrees 51 minutes 52 seconds WEST 20.01 feet; thence SOUTH 06 degrees 42 minutes 36 seconds WEST 22.25 feet to the west line of Lot Number 18; thence NORTH 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds EAST (assumed bearing) concurrent with the west line of Lot Number 18 a distance of 35.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.004 acres more or less.


WHEREAS, the University has no immediate plans for the portion of the vacant lot requested by the City for a dedicated public right-of-way and wishes to cooperate with the City in improving this intersection on the edge of campus by finding and declaring the property is no longer needed for its purposes.


The Trustees of Indiana University pursuant to Indiana Code 5-18-1, find and declare that the above described real estate is no longer needed for its purposes and should be conveyed without consideration to the City of Bloomington for dedicated public right-of-way; and

The Treasurer of The Trustees of Indiana University is hereby authorized and empowered to deliver a deed for the real estate from The Trustees of Indiana University to the City of Bloomington and take such other actions as are necessary and convenient in making the transfer.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

2. Northwest Campus

a. Proposed purchase of Real Estate, 3400 Massachusetts, Gary, Indiana

The Trustees were requested to adopt the following resolution for the acquisition of real estate located within the master plan area for the IU Northwest campus:


WHEREAS, Indiana University has need for additional land in Gary upon which to conduct its missions of teaching, research and public service, and

WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to acquire the real property located at 3400 Massachusetts in the City of Gary, more particularly described as

Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 in Riverview Land and Investment Company's First Addition to Gary, as per plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 10, page 4, in the Office of the Recorder of Lake County, Indiana; and

WHEREAS, negotiations with the owner of the property have not resulted in establishing a price satisfactory to the University;


That the President of the University, acting for and in behalf of The Trustees of Indiana University and pursuant to the authority previously delegated to him by this Board, is directed to request the Governor of Indiana to consent in writing to the acquisition of the real property located at 3400 Massachusetts Street, Gary, Indiana by condemnation, as provided by Indiana Code 4-17-6-1, and the President is further directed to take all other action necessary or convenient to acquire such property, by condemnation or otherwise after receiving such consent.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

3. South Bend Campus

a. Proposed Lease Renewal, Associates Bancorp, Inc., South Bend Campus

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

Trustee Todd reported that the Committee also heard a report of pending and past legal matters, which required no action.


Board President Walda called on Trustee Eichhorn for a resolution regarding the "Conditions for Cooperation Between Employee Organizations and Administration of Indiana University."


WHEREAS, the "Conditions for Cooperation between Employee Organizations and the Administration of Indiana University" (hereinafter "Conditions for Cooperation"), adopted by the Board of Trustees of Indiana University on July 7, 1966, and revised on May 19, 1967, and March 7, 1987, establishes the status of certain employee organizations within the University; and

WHEREAS, it is desirable that Section 2.(b) of the Conditions for Cooperation be modified so that the procedure for resolving disagreements concerning appropriate staff units be vested only in the authority of the President of the University and the Board of Trustees;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that paragraph (b) of Section 2. of the Conditions for Cooperation is now amended to read as follows:

(b) The term "appropriate staff unit" means any unit agreed to by the University and an employee organization entitled to formal recognition and seeking exclusive recognition in accordance with the terms of this document. In the event of a disagreement between officials representing the administration of the University and the employee organization concerning the composition of an appropriate staff unit, the President shall designate an appropriate staff unit subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

Board President Walda called on Trustee Todd for a resolution concerning amendments to the Code of Student Ethics.


WHEREAS, the University Faculty Council has approved amendments to the Code of Student Ethics relating to "fighting words" and related issues, and

WHEREAS, Board of Trustees approval is required on the amendments;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Trustees of Indiana University hereby approve the amendments to the Code of Student Ethics, as approved by the University Faculty Council, and as represented in Attachment A, 1-3.

Trustee Richardson asked if this amendment had been approved by the Student Senate.

Trustee Todd stated that it has been approved by the IU Bloomington Student Association. He said that the Student Association had proposed an additional amendment, for which agreement on it with the faculty must be pursued before coming before the Board.

Trustee Black asked for confirmation that the amendment before the Board did not restrict freedom of speech in any way.

Trustee Richardson commented that the amendment actually opens it up.

Board President Walda added that broadening the definition was the purpose of the Supreme Court decision.

Trustee Todd stated that the amendment maintains the fighting words clause that has been recognized, but removes the previous distinction between various types of fighting words and brings it into one clause.

Board President Walda called for the vote.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

Trustee Gonso stated that at the May 7, 1993 Board Meeting, a resolution on faculty effort had been presented, but was not voted on pending further consideration. At that meeting, Board President Walda requested Trustees Gonso, Eichhorn, and Mack to study the issue. Trustee Gonso reported that they had met and had several changes to propose.

One of the proposed changes to the resolution presented May 7, 1993, was in the sixth RESOLVED paragraph of the original draft, that change being to strike the word "Commission" and insert in its place the words, "Joint Committee."

Trustee Richardson suggested that subsection 6 of the proposed resolution was not as specific as he would like it to be in regard to the membership and commencement of the Joint Committee.

Board President Walda stated that he believed the Board has perceived a need for an on-going examination of teaching effort and quality Indiana University, and he said that the Board was very interested in pursuing that process in conjunction with the faculty. Therefore, the outline of this Joint Committee is not specified because, for the Joint Committee to be successful, the input of the faculty must be obtained in designing the Committee. The first step will be for representatives of the Board to meet with the faculty and administration to develop an outline for a body to continue to look at teaching effort at Indiana University and excellence in teaching at Indiana University.

Trustee Gonso recommended that the Board designate Trustee Mack as the Board liaison to the Joint Committee, and request that he begin to consult with members of the faculty and administration and other interested parties to develop a mission, charter, and structure for this Joint Committee.

Board President Walda concurred with Trustee Gonso's recommendation of Trustee Mack to the Board liaison to develop this group and to work with the faculty and the administration in putting it all together. He asked for a progress report to be presented by Trustee Mack at a fall meeting. Trustee Todd emphasized subsection 7 and expressed his appreciation of the efforts of the faculty and administration in discussing this issue and developing a means to continue the type of discussion that the Board has had on this issue.

Trustee Black stated that student input into this commission was also important.

Trustee Todd noted that he would be available through his term of office and beyond.

President Ehrlich added his appreciation to the Trustees for their continuing interest in this arena, for their adoption of the faculty effort reports from the chancellors as the reports of the University, for encouraging Indiana University faculty to attain the goals in teaching, research, and service, underscoring the emphasis and importance of all three of those missions, and at the same time recognizing that a commission, or a task force on teaching can be of particular help in assuring that teaching continues to grow stronger.


WHEREAS, The Trustees of Indiana University have the responsibility to ensure that the University in serving the citizens of Indiana by accomplishing its stated missions; and

WHEREAS, renewed and continuing vigilance is necessary to make sure that Indiana University, along with its sister State colleges and universities, makes maximum use of its resources to accomplish its goals; and

WHEREAS, Indiana University is an institution with international prominence in teaching, research and service; and

WHEREAS, Indiana University is comprised of eight unique, diverse campuses, each with different constituencies and challenges; and

WHEREAS, teaching is the primary mission of Indiana University; and

WHEREAS, the Trustees of Indiana University have requested and received a comprehensive report from the chancellors of each IU campus concerning faculty efforts;


1) that the Trustees of Indiana University adopt the faculty effort reports from the chancellors as the report of the University to be circulated to all who have concerns about faculty efforts at IU; and

2) that the Trustees will continue to encourage Indiana University faculty to attain their goals in teaching, research and service, and will expect that the highest standards serve as these goals; and

3) that the Trustees affirm it to be the policy of Indiana University that excellence in teaching will be encouraged in promotion and tenure evaluations; and

4) that by virtue of the complexity of the University and different educational missions of each of the campuses of Indiana University, the Trustees recognize the fact that the faculty on each campus, and even within the campus, will have different standards for their teaching, research and service efforts for the University; and

5) that the Trustees will continue to monitor the goals and accomplishments of IU faculty; and finally,

6) that there be established a Joint Committee on Teaching Excellence and Teaching Effectiveness which shall have as its primary mission encouraging, promoting, and rewarding excellence in teaching; and finally,

7) that the Trustees express their appreciation to the administration and faculty of the University for the outstanding, comprehensive self-analysis which was presented to the Trustees at their meetings of April 2, 1993 and May 7, 1993.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

Board President Walda appointed Trustee Mack as the liaison from the Board to work with the faculty, administration, and students in the implementation of subsection six of the resolution.

Trustee Mack accepted the appointment, and invited the Trustees and the faculty, administration, and students to participate and help create this Joint Committee.

Board President Walda then called on Trustee Black for a resolution.


WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of Indiana University wishes to acknowledge the achievements of Indiana University's 1992-93 Women's Tennis Program; and

WHEREAS, Indiana's Women's Tennis team coached by Lin Loring finished the season 24-3 overall and 13-0 in the Big Ten; and

WHEREAS, Coach Loring is the winningest coach in Division I Women's Tennis history, with a career record of 470-102 in 20 years and a 428-85 mark in 16 years at Indiana University, this season marking his 15th consecutive 20-win season at Indiana University; and

WHEREAS, as a team Indiana ranked 11th in the nation, with three singles players ranked nationally: Deborah Edelman, Jody Yin, and Rachel Epstein; and

WHEREAS, Deborah Edelman and Rachel Epstein achieved All-American status by their doubles performance in the NCAA tournament.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees expresses their sincere appreciation and thanks to the 1992-93 Women's Tennis Team and to Lin Loring and his coaching staff for bringing honor and distinction to Indiana University.

Unanimously approved on motion duly made and seconded.

Board President Walda asked that this resolution be conveyed to Coach Loring with the request that it be circulated to his team.

Trustee Black also reported that the U.S. Women's Open Golf Championship will be held at the Crooked Stick Golf Club July 19-25, 1993. He said that Riley Hospital will be the recipient of money raised from "Birdies for Babies." The intensive care unit of Riley Hospital will be awarded $100 for every birdie that is made in this golf tournament, which could amount to a sizable contribution.

Trustee Black also reported that Riley Hospital is working with Camp Riley for the summer, a camp for handicapped children.

Trustee Black reported that the Children's Garden Fund at Riley Hospital is being sponsored to raise funds to decorate the various patios at Riley Hospital.


1. Special Meeting to Consider Budget Date to be announced Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Board President Walda stated that the next meeting of the Board would be a special meeting to consider the budget of the University. The meeting will be scheduled for June, and the date and place will be announced as soon as they are set.

2. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis August 24, 1993


The meeting adjourned to meet again on call of the Secretary.

J. Susan Parrish, Secretary

May 19, 1993


A. The Report of Special Purchases appears in the appendices.



1. School of Music Library and Recital Hall

2. Student Building, Third Floor - Renovation

3. Addition of Pre-Vac Units

B. Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis

4. Riley Hospital - Children's Cancer Center and Anatomic Pathology Renovation

5. Emerson Hall - Neurosurgery Office Renovation

6. Graduate Townhouse Window Replacement


A. Approved Change Orders

A list of approved change orders appears as an exhibit for information of the Board.


A. INDIANA UNIVERSITY - President Ehrlich


Initial Appointments

1. Johnny M. Brown as Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science, for the period May 15, 1993 to December 31, 1993.

2. Aly Mahmoud as Visiting Professor of Engineering, for the period May 15, 1993 to May 14, 1994. Regular academic salary will be paid by Purdue University.

Reappointments and Changes of Status

3. For Craig B. Loomis, reappointment as Visiting Assistant Professor of English, for the period June 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993.

4. For Wayne C. Summers, reappointment as Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science, for the period June 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993.

5. For Kim Hughes Wilhelm, reappointment as Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics, for the period June 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993.

B. INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON - Vice President and Chancellor Gros Louis

Initial Appointments

1. Thomas L. Amos as Assistant Librarian and Assistant Head of Public Services, Lilly Library, University Libraries-Bloomington, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994. Reappointments and Changes in Status

2. For Craig M. Ross, a change in title from Associate Director of Recreational Sports and Assistant Professor of Recreation and Park Administration, part-time, to Associate Professor of Recreation and Park Administration, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, for the period August 1993 to May 1996.

3. For Gordon Lynn Hufford, Associate Librarian, Library and Media Services, reappointment as Director of Library and Media Services, University Libraries-East, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

4. For Verna L. Pungitore, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, the additional title of Associate Dean in the School of Library and Information Science, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

5. For Ulf Jonas Bjork, reappointment as Assistant Professor of Journalism, School of Journalism-IUPUI, for the period August 1993 to May 1995.

6. For Thomas Gieryn, Associate Professor of Sociology, the additional title of Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996.

7. For Jee Heub Koh, Associate Professor of Mathematics, the additional title of Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1995.

8. For David Neumeyer, Professor of Music, the additional title of Director of Graduate Studies, School of Music, beginning June 15, 1993.

9. For Marlies Gerber, Associate Professor of Mathematics, drop the title of Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, effective June 30, 1993.

10. For Hartmut Picht, reappointment with a change in title from Visiting Associate Professor to Associate Professor, part-time, in the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, for the period May 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993.

Leaves of Absence and Changes in Sabbatical Leaves

11. For Robert E. Stoll, Professor of Music, School of Music, a change in period of sabbatical leave from the second semester of the 1993-1994 academic year with full pay to the first semester of the 1993-1994 academic year with full pay.

12. For Michael Derek Jackson, Professor of Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, leave of absence without pay for the period August 1993 to December 31, 1994 to do research.

13. For Coramae Richey Mann, Professor of Criminal Justice and of Afro-American Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, a change in period of sabbatical leave from the 1993-1994 academic year with half pay to the first semester of the 1993-1994 academic year with full pay.

14. For James D. Perry, Professor of Telecommunications, College of Arts and Sciences, and Director of Instructional TV, sabbatical leave with full pay for the second semester of the 1992-1993 academic year.

Retirements and Emeritus Titles

15. Bernard Adelstein, Professor of Music, School of Music, early retirement effective May 1993 with the title Professor Emeritus of Music.

16. C. Allen Winold, Professor of Music, School of Music, early retirement under the 18-20 year plan effective June 30, 1993 with the title Professor Emeritus of Music.

17. Marian Armstrong, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, School of Library and Information Science, early retirement under the 18-20 year plan effective June 30, 1993 with the title Assistant Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Science.

Resignations and Cancellations of Appointments

18. Sheila Walker, Assistant Professor of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, resignation effective June 30, 1993 to accept a position at Claremont College.

19. Michael Dobson, Assistant Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences, resignation effective August 22, 1993 to accept a position at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

20. Peter Lloyd, Professor of Music, School of Music, resignation effective May 1993 for personal reasons.

21. N. Carol Hutchins, Associate Librarian and Head of the Swain Hall Library, University Libraries-Bloomington, resignation effective May 31, 1993.

Appointments to Graduate School Faculty

22. The following have been appointed to Graduate School Faculty:

Appointments to Research Rank

23. The following individual has been approved for research rank effective July 1, 1993:

Promotions in Research Rank

24. The following individuals have been approved for promotion in research rank effective July 1, 1993:


Initial Appointments

1. Xin Zhang as Assistant Professor of History, School of Liberal Arts, for the period August 1993 to May 1995.

2. Gregory C. Kiray as Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for the period April 5, 1993 to June 30, 1996.

3. David H. Moore as Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, for the period July 6, 1993 to June 30, 1995.

4. Scott B. Saxman as Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for the period August 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996.

5. Scott O. Trerotola as Assistant Professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1995.

6. J. Timothy Ames as Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the Northwest Center for Medical Education, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996, without stipend.

7. Mark O. Carter as Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the Northwest Center for Medical Education, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996, without stipend.

8. Paul R. Gettinger as Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the South Bend Center for Medical Education, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to April 30, 1995, without stipend.

9. Robert B. Kolbe, Jr. as Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the South Bend Center for Medical Education, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to April 30, 1995, without stipend.

10. Shih-Shen Ling as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, for the period April 1, 1993 to November 30, 1995, without stipend.

11. Leesa C. Nite as Clinical Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to April 30, 1994, without stipend.

12. Debra K. O'Brien as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Cytotechnology in the School of Allied Health Sciences, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to April 30, 1995, without stipend.

13. Karl B. Thor as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine, for the period April 1, 1993 to March 31, 1996.

14. Donald H. Trainor, Jr., as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996, without stipend.

Reappointments and Changes of Status

15. For Thomas B. Allington, Professor of Law, reappointment as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, I.U. School of Law-Indianapolis, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

16. For Stephen P. Bogdewic, Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Associate Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, part-time, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the additional title of Assistant Dean for Primary Care Education, School of Medicine, beginning April 1, 1993.

17. For Margaret C. Gaffney, a change in title from Assistant Professor, part-time, to Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996.

18. For Doris H. Merritt, Associate Dean, a change in title from Professor, full-time to Professor of Pediatrics, part-time, School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1993.

19. For Anthony L. Newsome, a change in title from Assistant Professor of Pathology to Assistant Scientist in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

20. For Attilio Orazi, a change in title from Visiting Associate Professor of Pathology to Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, for the period May 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

21. For George H. Rawls, Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, the additional title of Assistant Dean, School of Medicine, beginning August 15, 1993.

Leaves of Absence and Sabbatical Leaves

22. Carol Gardner, Assistant Professor of English, School of Liberal Arts, a sabbatical leave for the first semester of the 1993-1994 academic year.

Retirements and Emeritus Titles

23. For Joseph M. Belth, Professor of Insurance, early retirement under the 18-20 plan, effective May, 1993, with the title of Professor Emeritus of Insurance, School of Business (Bloomington).

24. For William D. Gambill, a change in title from Clinical Associate Professor to Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine, School of Medicine, beginning May 1, 1993.

25. For Eugene C. Klatte, Distinguished Professor, early retirement under the 18-20 plan, effective March 31, 1993, with the title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Raymond C. Beeler Professor Emeritus of Radiology, School of Medicine.

26. For Donald J. Niederpruem, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, early retirement under the 18-20 plan, effective June 30, 1993, with the title of Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine.

27. For D. Edmund Storey, a change in title from Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Assistant Professor Emeritus of Medicine, School of Medicine, beginning May 1, 1993.

28. For Joseph E. Walther, a change in title from Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Assistant Professor Emeritus of Medicine, School of Medicine, beginning May 1, 1993.

29. For Charles R. Shick, Professor of Optometry, early retirement under the 18-20 plan, effective June 30, 1993 with the title of Professor Emeritus of Optometry, School of Optometry.

30. For Lucreda Hutton, Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, early retirement, effective May, 1993, with the title of Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Sciences, School of Science.

31. For Marshall C. Yovits, Professor and Dean Emeritus, retirement effective May, 1993, with the title of Professor Emeritus of Computer and Information Science, School of Science.

Resignations and Cancellations of Appointments

32. For Jennifer F. Rondeau, Assistant Professor of History, School of Liberal Arts, resignation effective May 31, 1993, to accept employment elsewhere.

33. For Kevin E. Burton, Assistant Professor of Radiology, resignation effective June 30, 1993, to enter private practice in Anderson, Indiana.

34. For Steven Don, Assistant Professor of Radiology, resignation effective June 30, 1993, to accept a position at Mallinkrodt in St. Louis.

35. For Susan L. Stoddard, Professor of Neurosciences at the Fort Wayne Center for Medical Education, School of Medicine, resignation effective June 30, 1993, to accept a position in Technology Transfer at Mayo Medical School.

36. For William W. Somers, Assistant Professor of Optometry, School of Optometry (Bloomington), resignation effective May 8, 1993.

37. For Kathleen A. Kleiner, Assistant Professor of Psychology, School of Science and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, resignation effective May 1993.


Reappointments and Changes of Status

1. For Valerie N. Chang, Associate Professor of Social Work, reappointment as Director, Human Services Program, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work, IUPUI, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.


Initial Appointments

1. David G. Whiteis as Assistant Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Division of Public and Environmental Affairs, for the 1993-1994 academic year.

Reappointments and Changes of Status

2. For Sherrill L. Hockemeyer, Associate Professor of Office Administration, reappointment as Director, Graduate Studies in Business, School of Business and Management Sciences, for the 1993-1994 academic year.

3. For William G. Ludwin, Associate Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, reappointment as Assistant Dean, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and Director, Division of Public and Environmental Affairs, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1996.

4. For John P. Manzer, Associate Professor of Economics, reappointment as Associate Dean, Curriculum and Instructional Development, and Director, Economic Education Center, School of Business and Management Sciences, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

5. For Leslie P. Motz, Associate Professor of Fine Arts, reappointment as Acting Chair, Department of Fine Arts, School of Fine and Performing Arts, for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

Resignations and Cancellations of Appointments

6. Chinita A. Heard, Assistant Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Division of Public and Environmental Affairs, resignation effective April 20, 1993.




Resignations and Cancellations of Appointments

1. Ngure Mwachofi, Assistant Professor of Communication/Creative Arts, Division of Arts and Sciences, resignation effective May 31, 1993.




Leaves of Absence and Changes in Sabbatical Leaves

1. For Ruth E. Brackebusch, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Division of Natural Sciences, cancellation of approved sabbatical leave with half pay for the 1993-1994 academic year.



The real estate at 1726 Hildreth Street, located within the campus master plan area, has been purchased to hold for future development of the South Bend Campus.


The following distributions were received and processed by the Joint Gift Office in the Foundation and deposited into the appropriate IU accounts. This list includes only those distributions made to the University and does not include the distributions made directly to the Foundation during the same period of time. These are included in the Foundation's annual report.

Carl D. Archey
Connersville, IN
$1,500.00 Riley Hospital
Virgil Broyles
Anderson, IN
$64.78 Riley Hospital
Louise L. Carr
Tampa, FL
$17.86 Riley Hospital
Leiter W. DePuy
Chicago, IL
$3,542.86 Herschel Leiter Memorial
Jeanette M. Ellison
Rushville, IN
$19,395.59 Riley Hospital
Fred E. Gifford
Fort Myers, FL
$17,000.00 Fred E. Gifford Fellowship
Mary H. Kenney
Monticello, IN
$10,000.00 Riley Hospital
Frederic Ogg Trust
Madison, WI
$2,743.77 William R. Ogg
Charles F. Peterson
Columbus, IN
$232.45 General Contribution
Jack L. Wagley, Sr.
Indianapolis, IN
$627.32 Riley Hospital