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Trustee Matters

l.A.(1) Approval of minutes for meeting of April 9, 1983. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes for the meeting of April 9, 1983, were approved unanimously as presented.

President's Matters

l.B.(1) Remarks by President Ryan. President Ryan recognized the honor that has come to the University in the election of Professor Anthony San Pietro to the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. San Pietro, Distinguished Professor of Plant Biochemistry, also serves as Science Advisor to the President, he said, and has the responsibility of briefing him on scientific issues coming before the various national educational organizations at which Indiana University is represented by the President.

Noting that this was the Commencement meeting of the Board of Trustees, President Ryan reported that degrees will be awarded to 7,383 graduates at Bloomington, part of 14,828 to be conferred at all eight campuses in nine ceremonies. Indiana University's contribution to economic and social development in the state and throughout the world will be significant as nearly 15,000 men and women move to serve their communities in various careers and professions.

l.B.(2) Trailing Arbutus. In response to an inquiry at a previous meeting which Trustee Long had raised about the trailing arbutus plant, President Ryan stated that he had asked Professor Charles Hagen, who is retiring from the Department of Biology, but whom he hopes will continue as Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the Arboretum, to see if he could locate a specimen. Professor Hagen had agreed and made a videotape while the flower was blooming in its natural setting. Following a showing of the tape, Professor Hagen spoke of the plant1s relationship to Indiana University and displayed an artist's rendition of the flower.

Extracting from the first (1894) issue of the Arbutus, Professor Hagen read that the trailing arbutus, also known here as ground walk among New Englanders, is called, "Mayflower." "It's exquisitely fragrant, emitting a perfume of spicy sweetness that's not met with elsewhere in the kingdom of flowers." The flower is found from Newfoundland to Minnesota and as far south as Florida, but is rarely seen even in these sections, usually growing in sandy soil in the shadow of pines or forest trees. In Indiana, the statement continued, it grows quite plentifully about four miles east of Bloomington at "Arbutus Hill," to which crowds of enthusiastic pedestrians go every April to secure the dainty blossoms that lie hidden under the deadened leaves of winter.

Professor Hagen commented that the name, "Mayflower," used by New Englanders originated not from the month of its flowering, but rather from the fact that it was the first flower seen by the pilgrims when they landed, and they named it after their ship. Also, the flower is found in Indiana along Lake Michigan and in Monroe County and once in Washington County, but it grows more abundantly in the Appalachians. He reported that another reference to the flower is made in the 1905 Arbutus. Also, in 1907, Professor Cora B. Hennel of the Mathematics Department started bringing shoots annually into the office of President William Lowe Bryan, a custom her sister, Cecilia Hendricks of the English Department, continued through the presidency of Chancellor Wells. The plant now is protected, and efforts to transplant fail without first developing soil with the proper acidity. In 1960, Professor Hagen reported, Anton D. Boisen wrote then President Wells to suggest that the University preserve the habitat of the trailing arbutus near Arbutus Tabernacle, but in consultation with Professor Paul Weatherwax of the Botany Department, it was decided that the plant was not so rare as to be endangered, especially considering the slow development of that area. Just last week, however, Professor Hagen had read a proposal in the Indiana Daily Student that a 10-acre tract southeast of town be registered with Nature Conservancy because it is the habitat of the trailing arbutus. Professor Hagen concluded his presentation by reading part of a poem which appeared in the 1894 Arbutus.

l.B.(3) 1983-84 Operating Budget. Speaking from a paper entitled, "Comparison of 1983-85 Appropriation Request for Campus Operations with Approved Appropriation," (Figure 1), Vice President Williams pointed out that the request for the first year of the 1983-84 biennium was for approximately 20% above the 1982-83 appropriation, with an additional 11% requested for the second year. In dollars, the two-year request was for an additional $55.4 million, and $44.8 million more was appropriated; however, $23 million of the additional appropriation resulted from shifting to the University from the Public Employees Retirement Fund the money designated for the employer's contribution to the retirement fund for non-academic staff. The State's portion of funds accumulated for retirement of such Indiana University employees will now be paid by the University instead of by PERF, New money from the State, therefore, is $10.5 million (4.7% increase) for the first year of the biennium and $11.3 million (5.6%) for the second, a total of $21.8 million.

Spending objectives of the budget request which were not funded by the Legislature include $10.9 million of the money required to maintain current operations after adjusting for inflation (use of 3.5% instead of the requested 6% inflation factor); $2.6 million for long-term debt financing (substituted short-term financing instead); $6.3 million for economic development initiatives (nothing of the $7.1 million requested except $800 thousand for academic computing operations during the second year of the biennium); and funds for student financial assistance, with the exception of $600 thousand. Indiana University's request had contemplated no fee increases, but the Legislature assumed a 5.5% increase, which should produce about $11.2 million gross over the biennium.

Referring to a comparison of capital funds requested and appropriated (Figure 2), Vice President Williams noted that requests totalled $82 million, of which $9,798,445 was appropriated for the Cyclotron facility, planning for the Columbus Center, and for repair and rehabilitation.

Speaking to the 3.5% money provided by the Legislature as an offset against inflationary costs and its relationship to fee increases, Vice President Williams stated that it was the apparent intention of the legislators that student fees be increased by 5.5%. A 1% increase in student fees on the average throughout the system will produce a .5% change in salaries. Departments will be encouraged to start with the 3.5% appropriated and add from other sources, if possible, to increase that figure so as to do the best possible in meeting the erosion in salaries of faculty and staff caused by inflation. He stated he did not know what the final figure would be, but this seems to be the procedure expected by the Legislature.

At that point Vice President Williams distributed a draft statement of proposed student instructional fees for the various campuses (Figure 3), reminding the Trustees and others present that no formal proposal or decisions have been made at this time.

The proposed rates do not reduce the $4 differential between Bloomington and Indianapolis credit-hour rates for in-state undergraduates and the $19 gap between rates for out-of-state undergraduates. Undergraduate residents would increase $3 per hour at Bloomington and Indianapolis and $2.50 at Regional Campuses, except Fort Wayne, which involves dovetailing both Purdue and Indiana rates. Included in the information distributed were exhibits showing a comparison of gross instructional fee income and a comparison of proposed 1983-84 fees for Indiana University with 1982-83 fees for the other public Big Ten institutions.

Explaining why the proposal is for fee increases which average about 6.5% compared with the 5.5% increase contemplated by the Legislature, Vice President Williams pointed out the need (1) to meet market competition for salaries generally, (2) to provide more student financial assistance than the additional $600 thousand appropriated, (3) to give special attention to salaries for faculty "stars" who are being attracted elsewhere, and (4) to bolster academic equipment and library book purchases.

Vice President Williams stated that President Ryan and campus Vice Presidents and Chancellors had had an opportunity to meet with student leaders and the University Faculty Council to initiate discussions concerning student fees and budget planning. In concluding his remarks, he asked Trustees and administrators to study the information that has been provided and to make their feelings known to him, because it will soon be necessary to put together a projected budget for action at the June 17 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

(Figures 1, 2 and 3 referred to appear on the next three pages.)




1982-83 LEVEL $ 169.4 $ 169.4
1983-84 REQUEST 202.5 200.1
1984-85 REQUEST 224.8 214.2
INCREASE FROM 1982-83 TO 1984-85 $ 55.4 $ 44.8
OTHER 0.8 0.0




TOTAL $82,186,000 $9,798,445

Figure 3

Proposed Regular Instruction Fee Schedule

1982-83 Rate Proposed 1983-84 Percent Change
Bloomington Campus
Undergraduate $ 44.25 $ 47.25 6.8
Graduate 57.50 61.50 7.0
Undergraduate 124.75 133.25 6.8
Graduate 157.75 168.50 6.8
Indianapolis Campus
Undergraduate 40.25 43.25 7.5
Graduate 57.50 61.50 7.0
Undergraduate 105.75 114.25 8.0
Graduate 157.75 168.50 6.8
Regional Campuses: East, Kokomo, Northwest, South Bend, Southeast
Undergraduate 37.25 39.75 6.7
Graduate 48.75 52.25 7.2
Undergraduate 91.00 97.50 7.1
Graduate 108.00 116.00 7.4
Fort Wayne Campus
Undergraduate 37.30 39.65 6.3
Graduate 48.80 52.00 6.6
Undergraduate 91.50 98.60 7.8
Graduate 108.00 116.90 8.2
Indiana University School of Law (Bloomington and Indianapolis)
Resident 57.50 61.50 7.0
Nonresident 157.75 168.50 6.8
Indiana University School of Dentistry*
Resident 2,800.00 3,000.00 7.1
Nonresident 6,000.00 6,400.00 6.7
Indiana University School of Medicine*
Resident 3,000.00 3,200.00 6.7
Nonresident 7,200.00 7,700.00 6.9
School of Optometry
Resident 57.50 61.50 7.0
Nonresident 157.75 168.50 6.8

*Annual Rate

l.B. (4) Reconfirmation of the role and responsibility of Indiana University Foundation in relation to gifts for the benefit of Indiana University. President Ryan reminded members of the Board that at the April meeting a proposed resolution had been distributed, the purpose of which would be to reconfirm an action of the Board taken nearly 50 years ago authorizing the Indiana University Foundation to function as the fund-raising arm of the University with respect to gifts and grants for advancement of University projects and interests. With transition to new leadership of the Foundation, he said, it is a good time to reconfirm the earlier decision which is the purpose of the following resolution:

Whereas, the Indiana University Foundation was incorporated in 1936 and its purposes are:

  1. To acquire, receive, hold, invest and administer property for the benefit of Indiana University;
  2. To make expenditures to or for the benefit of the University, its faculty and students;
  3. 3. To promote, sponsor and carry out educational, scientific, charitable, and related activities and objectives for the benefit of the University; and
  4. 4. To supplement all of the services which the University should render to society; and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Indiana University has in various past actions requested, authorized and/or designated the Indiana University Foundation to serve the University in a variety of ways; and

Whereas, the Indiana University Foundation is preparing to enhance and expand its support of Indiana University, and it is appropriate for the University to confirm its desire that the Foundation continue this historical relationship;

Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Trustees of Indiana University that Indiana University Foundation be designated as the fund-raising arm of the University, and that the Foundation be responsible:

  1. 1. To manage, coordinate, and promote fund-raising efforts for the benefit of Indiana University—whether undertaken by the Foundation itself or with the cooperation and active participation of the various divisions and departments of the University—to seek annual contributions, major gifts, corporate gifts, planned or deferred gifts, bequests, and any other types or kinds of gifts which may be solicited or received for the benefit of Indiana University.
  2. 2. To administer gift funds and other assets received by the Foundation for the benefit of the University to assure that such assets shall be of maximum benefit to the University, faithfully following any restrictions or conditions which may be established by donors.
  3. 3. To confer with appropriate University officials to ascertain continuing and new needs for gift support and, accordingly, to establish priorities for special fund-raising projects.
  4. 4. To complement the efforts of Indiana University to seek and procure sponsorship and financial support for research, teaching, and service projects of the University; to enter into contracts in the name of the Foundation for those grants which the Foundation secures; and in cooperation with Indiana University, to supervise and handle, as required, the administrative matters relating to such projects.
  5. 5. To administer inventions and developments resulting from research conducted at the University, and to hold and exploit patents covering said inventions and developments.

Student Matters

l.C.(1) Report from Student Affairs Committee. Trustee Stoner called on Trustee Gonso for a report on student matters, but first, on behalf of the Board and entire University family, extended congratulations to him and his wife, Jonni, on the birth of a daughter, Sara, on May 4.

Trustee Gonso reported an interesting meeting of the Student Affairs Committee, attended by newly-elected student body leaders from six campuses. He introduced and invited Toni Rose Wilson, recently announced recipient of the prestigious Churchill Scholarship, to speak to the Board.

Miss Wilson stated that the scholarship, ten of which are awarded across the nation, is for mathematics, science and engineering students. It provides for attending Churchill College at Cambridge University, where she will study for one year, working for an advanced certificate in mathematics, which is the equivalent of a master's degree. She stated she will be about three hours by train from Oxford University and might be able to see the Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships winners from Indiana University, previously introduced to the Board of Trustees, who also will be in England. The selection process involved interviews on the campus and submission of application papers, including an essay. Miss Wilson is from Bloomington.

Trustee Gonso stated that he would summarize the common thread which ran through the reports. Each campus leader is in the process now of developing a program and plans for the coming year. All except the Bloomington Campus are commuter campuses and the leaders are concerned about student apathy. By developing fund-raising programs, the leaders not only expect to get students involved, but also to provide funds for programs that cannot be supported through activities fees. Given the different personalities, ages and ethnic backgrounds of the student leaders, Trustee Gonso stated, it promises to be an interesting and fun year.

l.C.(2) Remarks by President, Student Association, Bloomington Campus. Kirk White, newly-elected President of the Indiana University Student Association, Bloomington Campus, expressed appreciation for the opportunity to appear before the Board.

Mr. White observed that many of the short-term problems which he and student leaders at other campuses are involved with relate closely to the long-term goals of the University itself. Although these goals generally are in the best interest of students, the students do not always understand that; and he feels part of his job is to help bridge over misunderstandings.

Specific concerns at this time include procedures for scheduling concerts, and discussions are going on with administrators to the end that the matter will no longer be a problem. The tuition issue is important, and student government will be very interested in studying the information which has been provided today. One thing that will be important is to look very carefully at justification of the percentage of proposed fee increases which is in excess of that contemplated by the Legislature. Students need to understand that the extra money will be for factors which affect the quality of education, a goal common to administrators and to students. Also, President White stated that he and his staff will be looking at auxiliary services on the campus and the extent to which they need to be supported by the general fund, and he asked that there be an opportunity for student input as decisions in this area are made by administrators. Summarizing the three goals of the new group of student leaders, he listed (1) continuing efforts in governmental relations, both at the state and federal levels, (2) providing worthwhile student activities and services, and (3) enjoying a productive working relationship with the Board of Trustees and campus administrations throughout the system.

Faculty Matters

l.D.(l) Report from Faculty Relations Committee. Trustee Long summarized the meeting of the Faculty Relations Committee by listing items in a report of Bloomington Faculty Council accomplishments prepared tad presented — in her customary outstanding manner, he said — by Mary Burgan. Items included (1) contingency planning policy; (2) review procedures for Bloomington Campus administrators; (3) elected policy committees; (4) 1983-84 salary minimums; (5) a resolution of appreciation for Professor Burgan's work (which, he reported, she had skipped over in per presentation); (6) amendment of the constitution of the Bloomington Faculty Council; (7) proposal for associate instructors' compensation (which included development of target rates that equal peer university rates, procedure for campus-wide policies, and seeking a fund to improve salaries); and (8) the FX policy, which relates to substituting a higher grade in a repeated course for an F received for the first enrollment.

After the summary of the past year's activities, Trustee Long reported, Roger Dworkin of the Law School, new President Pro-tern of the Bloomington Faculty Council, had introduced the Council's Agenda Committee for the coming year and listed topics expected to be discussed. Included were (1) the Ewing Report on the Graduate School; (2) academic dishonesty; (3) nepotism; (4) a faculty poll on their concerns; (5) rewards for good teaching; (6) assistance to the Foundation in fund raising; and others of lesser importance. Those at the meeting had been asked, Trustee Long reported, whether they had discussed fee rates for next year, and they reported that the Budgetary Affairs Committee was in accord with the recommendations incorporated in Vice President Williams' report presented earlier in this meeting. Trustee Gonso's question about whether or not it is necessary under the FX policy to have the same instructor was answered by Professor Burgan who said she was reasonably sure a course could be repeated with a different instructor. She emphasized, however, the Bloomington Faculty Council is opposed to the policy and will ask the University Faculty Council to rescind its action.

Other General Matters

l.E.(l) Conflict of interest legislation. At Trustee Stoner's request, University Counsel Travis commented on conflict of interest legislation recently adopted. He stated that the legislation was necessary because an existing statute on the subject is ambiguous. The new law provides a means by which "public servants,11 which would include trustees and employees of the University, may make a disclosure statement of situations in which they believe there may be a possibility of violation of the ambiguous law, and having made the statement to the governmental entity they serve (and if employees, having the statement approved by the Trustees), they insulate themselves against fears of violation of the statute.

A resolution, under which procedures will be established for employees to take advantage of the new amendment, will be brought to the next meeting of the Board for consideration. However, persons who now are aware of the law and wish to submit statements may do so now, he said. In response to Trustee Stoner's question, Secretary Burton reported that statements have been filed to date by Trustees Gonso and Stoner.

President Ryan commented that the new law is much more than a slight revision of the old law; it is a complete change, both for Trustees and employees, the latter a group not completely defined. He promised that for both groups the staff would work as fast as possible to develop forms to use in complying with the law. He noted that two Board members have filed statements and that he was sure other members of the Board would do likewise shortly. It likely will be sometime, however, before all ramifications of applicability and procedure can be developed.

I.E.(2) New Degree. Approval of the Board was requested for the following recommended new degree program:

IUPUI - Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

I.E.(3) Architectural Committee. Trustee Long asked Mr. Clapacs and Professor Hagen to present the concept of the Arboretum, as discussed earlier by the Architectural Committee, Mr. Clapacs stated that the area would serve several purposes, among those being an outdoor laboratory and research area for the study of plant sciences, and extending into an area of campus development the woodland characteristics of the older quadrangle area. Key elements will include maintaining certain architectural features of the old stadium such as the flag towers, iron fence, and ticket booths; providing route by which students may move between the residence halls areas to the north and the academic campus; and development of a nice "front yard" for the buildings which surround the area.

Professor Hagen stated that there will be larger trees and woody plants, to be selected from a list of plants that would add tp the extensive collection which already exists on the campus, so the "woodland campus of Indiana University" may be preserved. The project should provide several environments, all typical of the eastern deciduous woodlands, including areas for plants that like a moist environment, as well as for walnuts, hickory and other varieties found throughout the world.

The Arboretum, he stated, should be an instructional facility, not only for biologists, but also to learn appreciation for aesthetics and public behavior in such an area. Everybody will have to cooperate to maintain the project and stay on organized paths. Soon there will be an article in the Alumni Magazine introducing some of these concepts and asking for constructive comments from faculty, students, trustees, and alumni. A bicycle path will be included, separated from pedestrian traffic.

I.E.(4) Report on negotiations - Wishard Hospital and Health and Hospital Corporation. President Ryan asked Dean Beering to give an update on progress of negotiations with the Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County relative to management of Wishard Hospital.

Dean Beering reported that complex negotiations have proceeded since his informal report to the Board in February. Indiana University will have operated Wishard Hospital for eight years on July 1. Negotiations have proceeded toward continuing, perhaps for a ten-year term, and including personnel and financial administration which now are in the Corporation1s Executive Division. By way of clarification, because of recent publicity concerning the ambulance service, Dean Beering stated that this is an integral part of the hospital's Trauma Center and is not a separate department of civil government in Indianapolis.

Multiple teams have been working on various details of an agreement, and there have been discussions with State Board of Accounts representatives who endorsed the concept of the agreement, the Rate Review Board of Indiana, and a management consultant firm whose report will be received soon. The Health and Hospital Corporation sought the advice of 11 nationally-based management firms who were invited to submit proposals for management, but none was interested in taking full responsibility. In addition, the Corporation has acted to agree in principle that the present management relationship be continued and expanded to include personnel and finance. It is expected, Dean Beering stated, that there will be a document which can be considered by the Health and Hospital Corporation Board on June 15 and the University Board on June 17; however, there remain some 80 discreet items that require agreement for a smooth transition. Accordingly, he proposed that an "agreement to agree11 be ready in June, to be followed later by a second document which would outline the transition steps to be taken until both institutions can certify to each other that all of the 80 or so topics have been satisfactorily resolved.

To explain why the item is on the agenda now, President Ryan stated that Dean Beering has reported at this meeting on negotiations to date, in accordance with a feeling that because of wide interest in the Hospital management relationship such a report should not await the June 17 meeting. By that date, the President said, it is expected that negotiations will have reached the point that he will be prepared to recommend an agreement. Before that date, it is expected that a document, or a series of drafts, will be sent to the Trustees, so the administration may keep the Board fully informed. At the June 17 meeting, there should be a management agreement for consideration, but there may still be further details to establish, based on the principles of the management agreement presented at that time.

Trustee Gonso, suggesting that this is a sensitive and complex issue, asked that Board members receive before the June 17 meeting not only a draft agreement, but background information on possible financial risks over a 10- year period, including the reasons for those risks. He suggested that one possible problem is that funding from the Health and Hospital Corporation, income anticipated under the agreement, is contingent on tax revenue from City-County government which operates in a very political environment. Also, recognizing that Dean Beering will assume his new responsibilities at Purdue University July 1, he asked who will carry on the Dean's role in these negotiations.

Trustee Long stated he would not want to go into an agreement on a piecemeal basis because the negotiating position is weakened. It would be better to wait, he said, even after the June date, until there is full agreement. In response, Dean Beering said every effort would be made to have a tentative document covering all the issues in hands of the Board members within two weeks, so the whole matter could be considered at once.

Trustee Stoner stated that the action proposed is that continuation of negotiations be authorized, with information to be provided in anticipation of consideration at the June meeting.

I.E.(5) Tribute to John E. Early. Trustee Gates, the only current Board member to have served with John E. Early of Evansville, paid tribute to his life and service to Indiana:

"Although not of the same political faith, I learned what a great guy was John Early. John is now dead; he died April 22. He had served six years on this Board, and I had the privilege of serving the last two with him. He was here in the days of student unrest, when at times the Board had to hide to have meetings, even hiding where they were sleeping. Threats were made by student body presidents, and there were many arguments with them. John would have been happy to have heard the student body president today, compared with a few he did hear — who swore and cussed. John was a great guy — a great and loyal DePauw man and later, I.U. Law School man; he had a wonderful wife, Angie, whom he left behind. He was astute arid a great man for this Board. I would like for all of you to bow your heads a minute in honor of John Early."

I.E.(6) Report on Council of Ten Conference. Trustee Stoner, reiminded the Board that the Council of Ten is composed of the presidents of Big Ten schools, plus the University of Chicago, and that its president, the one with greatest seniority among the group, is President Ryan. He had an idea that the Council, representing these major midwestern universities, could work together to explore possibilities for economic growth in the area of research and development and to combine the resources of the universities with the business community in the Midwest. The Council had agreed to President Ryan's suggestion for a conference which had been held earlier this week at Wingspread at Racine, Wisconsin, attended by about 35 representatives of the 11 institutions, including President Ryan, Dean Lowengrub and Trustee Stoner. Chaired by President Robert O'Neil of the University of Wisconsin (formerly the Bloomington Campus Vice President), the group had a frank discussion of the pluses and minuses, such as competition in other areas of the country, but concluded there are a variety of ways that the universities and industry can join in a united front, using as a base the research and development projects already underway at the universities.

Invited to comment, President Ryan stated it may be premature to know exactly what the outcome of the meeting will be, but its purpose was to bring public attention to the economic and academic research brainpower represented by the total of the universities in that group and to recognize a problem that grows out of failure to utilize this power. North Carolina, the New England area, and California all have used their resources better than the Midwest* Out of the conference should come realization that a regional approach can do a great deal economically if the universities look at themselves as an 11-component powerhouse of intellect and research and science. One strategy is to develop a block of strength in Washington, D.C., in the same manner that other congressional delegations have worked for other regions in the country. Although results may not be significant before 10 to 20 years, a start can be made now.

Trustee Long asked about the seminar held in Bloomington recently under auspices of Research and Graduate Development. Dean Schaap reported that 25- 30 companies sent representatives to confer and see the presentations, and this resulted in many discussions between the industrial representatives and faculty members which should lead to cooperative research efforts. President Ryan added that a couple of the corporations represented had asked that the videotape presentations be made available for showing within their-organizations, and that he felt the conference was a great success. For the seminar meeting of the Board, Dean Lowengrub will be asked to report his plans for continuing this type of promotion of the University's resources.

I.E.(7) Guggenheim Awards. Trustee Stoner mentioned that five of six fellowships awarded in the State of Indiana this year by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation were to Bloomington Campus professors: John Bodnar, Associate Professor of History; George Ewing, Professor of Chemistry; Susan Gubar, Professor of English; Terence Martin, Professor of English; and Helen Nader, Associate Professor of History. Nationally, there were 292 awards among scholars, scientists and artists. The University should take pride, Trustee Stoner said, in the fact that five of six in Indiana were from the Indiana University faculty, and that five out of 292 in the nation is a significant figure.

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