17 November 1967

The Trustees of Indiana University met in regular session at the Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, on November 17, 1967. The meeting was called to order in the Roof Lounge of the Medical Center Union Building at 9:05 a.m. by Mr. Frank E. McKinney, president of the Trustees, and upon roll call the following answered present: Mr. McKinney, Mr. Donald C. Danielson, Mrs. Richard G. Inskeep, Judge Jesse E. Eschbach, Mr. John E. Early, Mr. Robert H. Menke, Mr. Carl M. Gray, and Mr. Robert A. Lucas. Also present were: President Elvis J. Stahr; J. A. Franklin, Vice-President and Treasurer; L. L. Merritt, Vice-President and Dean, Research and Advanced Studies; J. L. Sutton, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculties; J. W. Snyder, Vice-President and Dean for Undergraduate Development; Dr. K. E. Penrod, Provost of the Medical Center; R. H. Shaffer, Dean of Students; J. R. Jordan, Assistant to the President for University Relations; D. H. Clark, Assistant Vice-President and Treasurer and Business Manager; C. K. Travis, University Counsel; C. T. Rich, Alumni Secretary; R. E. Burton, Assistant to the Treasurer; C. E. Harrell, Secretary to the Trustees; E. M. Hoff, Editor of the News Bureau; and Cecilia H. Wahl, Assistant to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Mr. George Bloom and Mr. Charles Hardy of the Real Estate Office were present for a portion of the meeting, as were representatives of the Bloomington HERALD TELEPHONE, the Bloomington TRIBUNE, the INDIANA DAILY STUDENT, and Station WTTV.

At luncheon the patient meal of the day for Medical Center hospitals was served at Riley Hospital by Miss Louise Irwin and her dietetics staff. Guests of the Trustees were: Robert Berkshire, Lecturer, Herron School of Art; Mrs. Nancy Dayhoff, Assistant Professor of Nursing; John B. Hickam, Chairman and Professor of Medicine; Robert Kirch, Assistant Chairman and Associate Professor of Government, Indianapolis Downtown Campus; Rudolph R. Schreiber Lecturer in Psychology, NCAGU; Paul E. Starkey, Professor of Pedodontics, School of Dentistry; Violet E. Tennant, Professor of Social Service, Graduate School of Social Service; and R. Bruce Townsend, Professor of Law, Indianapolis Campus.


Approval of Minutes, October 19-20, 1967

1.A. The minutes of the October 19-20, 1967, meeting were approved with minor additions and corrections.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

President's Matters

1.B. President Stahr reported on three meetings he had attended since the last meeting of the Trustees and led the discussion of a fourth item, reported below:

Joint Metropolitan Schools Policy Committee Matter

1.C. The Board discussed briefly the recommendations which have been presented to the Joint Metropolitan Schools Policy Committee for major changes in grade divisions of the Bloomington metropolitan school system. Action was deferred until Board members have had an opportunity to study the recommendations, it being anticipated that telephone action may be taken before the next formal Board meeting.

Policy on Contract Alternates

1.D. Vice-President Franklin reported on problems involved in establishing a firm policy on the handling of contract alternates by the University and on steps being taken toward a solution of the problems. A later report and recommendations will be presented.

Checklist Policy Matters

1.E. Vice-President John W. Snyder presented the following recommendations concerning the checklist policies of the University:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Medical Care and Financial Courtesies at the Medical Center

1.F. Consideration of this matter was deferred to a later meeting.

Flight Insurance

1.G. Because of certain difficulties encountered in the administration of the Board1s resolution adopted on November 16, 1962, relative to passenger insurance on charter flights. University officials proposed the recession of that resolution and the adoption of the following:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.


Real Estate Matters

2.A. The following real estate matters were presented in executive session, and action was taken as indicated:

Administration of Gifts to University and Foundation

2.B.(1) The Indiana University Foundation has approved in principle a proposal for joint administration of gifts received by the University and the Foundation, subject to a detailed plan being submitted for consideration and approval by the Trustees. The proposal would permit the University to take advantage of the promotional activities of the Foundation, which can operate more effectively if there is close coordination in receipting, acknowledging, assigning, and depositing gifts received for the benefit of the University under the State's new tax-credit legislation, whether the gift is addressed to the Foundation or to the University. Details of operation of the plan will be submitted at a later date.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Employee Union Matters

2.B.(2) The following matters concerning employee relations were presented, and action was taken as indicated:

Indiana Higher Education Telecommunications System for 1967-1969

2.B.(3) Approval was requested of the Higher Education Telecommunications System for the 1967-1969 biennium. The Board, having received supporting material prior to the meeting, was briefed by Mr. Jordan through the display of a map showing what could be accomplished by February 1, 1968, and September 1, 1968, with the $600,000 appropriated provided advance approval is obtained from the Boards of Trustees of the State Universities, the State Budget Committee, the State Budget Agency, and the Governor. The plan has been approved by the Trustees of Purdue University, and following anticipated approval by the other state universities the request would be submitted for the take-down of the balance of appropriated funds for the biennium.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Practice for Handling Financial Records and Reports

2.B.(4) In order that accounting reports prepared at Indiana University may conform with requests for information which come from the U. S. Office of Education, the American Council on Education and various regional associations, it was recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt as its policy that the financial records and reports be arranged in conformity with the recommendations contained in the publication, "College and University Business Administration" issued by the American Council on Education with the cooperation of the U. S. Office of Education and regional associations of College and University Business Officers, This is a practice that has been followed at Indiana University since first publication of this manual, and the administration would like to continue to operate on this basis with minor adaptations which must be made within any system to conform to local conditions.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Closed Circuit Television Coverage of Football Games

2.B.(5) Confirmation was requested of the action taken by the Executive Committee of the Board approving arrangements for closed circuit television coverage of the Michigan State and Minnesota football games to be shown in the I.U. Fieldhouse and at the Indianapolis and Fort Wayne campuses. The contract, dated November 6, 1967, is with TNT Communications Inc., of New York, in the amount of $5,075.00, and is on file in the Accounting Department.

Unanimously confirmed, on motion duly made and seconded.

Fort Wayne Cemetery

2.B.(6) Mr. Franklin informed the Trustees that the Purdue University Board of Trustees and administration believe the cemetery on the Fort Wayne Regional Campus should be moved. They believe the estimate of $200.00 per grave is high and request concurrence in their getting alternate proposals for the move. Following the discussion, Mr. Franklin was directed to inform Purdue that the Board has no objection to their proceeding to obtain proposals for the cemetery’s removal.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Optometry Parking Lot Lighting

2.C.(1) Mr. Franklin described optional procedures which are available to the University in lighting the parking lot adjacent to the new Optometry Building. The Public Service Commission will furnish all the equipment at a cost of $910.00 per year; or the University can purchase the lights and fixtures and pay for current cost and maintenance. Original installation under the latter plan is estimated at a maximum amount of $6,200; energy costs would be $330 per year; and maintenance is anticipated not to exceed $25 per year. After eleven years, excluding interest, the University would save approximately $500 per year. It was recommended, therefore, that the University contract for installation of the system rather than have Public Service Company provide the equipment as well as the energy.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Minor Capital Projects at Herron School of Art

2.C.(2) A close inspection of the two old houses at the Herron Art School reveals that repairs and painting in the approximate amount of $7,000 are needed to put them into satisfactory condition for continued use. It was recommended that these repairs be made by University physical plant staff since the unusual amount of wood repair will require close coordination between the general and the painting contractors. The work will be paid for from funds available in the Herron Art School-General Fund.

It was further recommended that housing for a blast furnace with an estimated cost of $9,000 to $10,000 be constructed on property owned by the Art Association of Indiana, after the proper lease arrangement is made. Funds for the forge itself are available from a federal grant.

A total of $17,000 was approved for these projects, by consent.

Architects for Planning Learning Resources Building

2.C.(3) It was requested that the firm of James Associates be approved as architects for the planning of a modern classroom and office building for the Bloomington Campus, presently known as the Learning Resources building. It is anticipated that this building would be one of the pilot projects in the study being undertaken by Indiana University and the University of California for the development of academic buildings, a project to which a member of the James Associates staff has been assigned. Payment for services rendered to the research project by this man will not be duplicated in the architectural contract. Planning funds for the building, which is tentatively planned for the vicinity of the old football stadium, have been approved from the capital appropriation for the current biennium.

Approval of the appointment of James Associates for planning the project was unanimously given, on motion duly made and seconded.


Appointment of J. E. Randall

3.A.(1) Vice-President Sutton presented the recommendation for appointment of James Edwin Randall as Professor of Physiology and Biophysics in the College of Arts and Sciences (with tenure) beginning on September 1, 1968, at an initial salary rate of $17,000.00 payable on a ten months' basis.

The salary for the above appointment is as provided in the budget.

In connection with the recommendation for appointment above, Dean Sutton presented the following statement:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Visiting Faculty Appointments

3.B. Recommendations were presented for appointment of the following visiting faculty members:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Changes of Status

3.C. The following recommendations were presented for change of status for faculty members:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Leave of Absence Matters

3.D. The following recommendations were presented:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.


3.E. The following resignations were presented, along with recommendation for their acceptance:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Approval of Graduate Degrees

3.F. Approval was requested for the award of graduate degrees recommended by the Graduate School to be effective November 17, 1967. The list will appear in the June, 1968, Commencement program.

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

Graduate School Faculty Appointments

3.G. Recommendations were presented for appointment of the following faculty members to the Graduate School faculty:

Jaakko A. Ahokas Uralic and Altaic Studies
Walter E. Bron Physics
Guy T. Emery Physics
Arthur S. Nunn, Jr. Physics
Martin E, Rickey Physics
James C. Swihart Physics
James Thompson Sociology

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.


Awards of Contracts

4.A. Recommendations were presented for awards of the following contracts, and action was taken as indicated:

Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.

I. U. Foundation Subcontracts

4.B. Under a prime contract with the U. S. Office of Education on the topic of dangers in smoking subcontracts have been signed with the following radio and television stations for preparation of specialized television programs for Indiana University:

Addenda to I. U. Foundation Master Contract

4.C. Confirmation was requested of the addenda completed to the master contract between Indiana University and the Indiana University Foundation on research contracts and grants received during the month of October, 1967, as shown in the meeting agenda.

Confirmed by consent.

Special Purchase Orders

4.D. A list was presented of special purchases which have been made by the University for which normal bid procedures were not practicable, along with recommendation for their confirmation. Details of each purchase are included with the Board papers for this meeting.

Confirmed by consent.


Overdraft in Petroleum Severance Tax Fund

5.A.(1) A letter has been received from the Office of the Auditor of State requesting that Indiana University refund $63,162.87 to the Treasurer of State to clear an overdraft in the Petroleum Severance Tax Fund, Indiana University serves as the State's fiscal agent for the Geologic Survey of the Department of Natural Resources. The budget for the Geologic Survey is prepared by the Department of Natural Resources and the appropriation is made to that Department, Indiana University merely serves as the agent for purchasing, accounting, and personnel administration and has no knowledge of what is received by the State in petroleum severance fees. The auditor of State has been so informed, and no further word has been received. Operation of the Geologic Survey will be restricted by a new policy of the Auditor which establishes that no funds will be transmitted to the University for the Survey until a current overdraft of $8,357.81 is cleared by receipts in the severance fees account.

Insurance Settlement, University School Materials

5.A. (2) Insurance settlement in the amount of $399.00 has been made through the Bloomington Metropolitan Schools to the University School for loss of Spanish teaching materials in the Central Junior High School fire last spring. The materials were on loan from the University School; and the settlement was for the full value of their cost.

Bond Issue Matters

5.A.(3) It was reported to the Board informally at the Fort Wayne meeting that Purdue University had sold their current bond issue at a rate of 4.71. Indiana University's two large upcoming bond issues, the Library and Eigenmann Center bonds, are due as follows:

So far as is known, there will be no problem on renewing the notes. A later report will be given.

Report of Investments as of June 30, 1967

5.A.(4) Copies of the portfolio analysis of securities owned by Indiana University in all funds and trusts as of June 30, 1967, were distributed to the Trustees. The report is filed with the papers for this meeting.

Purdue-IUMC Program in Clinical Pharmacy

5.A.(5) The contract between Indiana University and Purdue University for the Program in Clinical Pharmacy was reported at the October, 1967 Board meeting. Dr. Kenneth E. Penrod, Provost of the Medical Center, distributed a further report on the background of the program and the pharmacy resident plan at Medical Center hospitals. The report is filed with the papers for this meeting.

Seventeenth Street Sidewalks

5.A.(6) Plans are being developed for the installation of temporary sidewalks on the south side of Seventeenth Street leading from the student housing area to the field-house 3 hopefully to be ready for the major part of the basketball season. The walks will be placed to allow for future widening of Seventeenth Street; and investigation will be made of the possibility of installing lighting along the walks.

Change in Handling Construction Project Bids

5.A.(7) Bids for construction projects, formerly received in the office of the Vice-President and Treasurer on behalf of the Board of Trustees, are now being received by the Physical Plant at the Service Building. The Board will continue to receive reports of all bids received, following the practice that has been used for some time.

Report on Student Loan Funds

5.A.(8) Mr. Franklin presented a summary of methods used by Big Ten schools for financing the one-ninth matching funds for government and United Student Aid student loan programs and gave a detailed account of Indiana University's methods. The Indiana University Foundation financed long term loan programs from their inception until February, 1965, when the Board authorized other financing. Since that time approximately $558,000 has been borrowed from banks and $59,956 from the Loss and Breakage Fund for United Student Aid Fund Reserve Account deposits. As of November 3, 1967, University reserves had been increased by repayments enough to process all but 20 of the loan applications; and it is anticipated that these loans should be processed very shortly. Other methods of financing the loans are being considered by the Congress and the United Student Aid fund and will be reported to the Board as they develop.

I. U. Foundation Matters

5.A.(9) President Stahr reported on the following matters which were acted on at the November meeting of the Indiana University Foundation:

North Central Association Accreditation Report

5.A.(10) Copies of the North Central Association accrediting report to Indiana University were distributed to the Trustees and are on file with the papers for this meeting. The report of the visit of the accrediting team and their comments on the University have previously been reported to the Board.

Trustees vs. Glenda and William Koontz, Monroe Circuit Court

5.A.(11) Suit was filed in behalf of the Trustees to collect on a hospital bill. The defendants, Glenda and William Koontz, have filed a cross-complaint alleging injuries due to negligence of Long Hospital. The University's liability insurance carrier has assumed responsibility for the litigation.

Report on Title III Commitments

5.A.(12) Funding under Title III (Higher Education Act) is given to developing institutions for specific programs in cooperation with large universities whose expenses are paid by the developing institutions from the grant, Indiana University is cooperating in the continuation of the Stillman College program, in a new program with North Carolina A & T State University in the teaching of English, in a new proposal with St. Benedict College, Ferdinand, Indiana, for general assistance in their development, and in a proposal to continue work begun by Professor Ray Gibson through Parsons College with Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in the field of education.

Financing for Read Hall Facilities Construction

5.A.(13) Financing has been continued for the construction of additional student facilities at Read Center by the execution of a loan agreement with the Indiana National Bank dated November 2, 1967, in the amount of $350,000 at an interest rate of 3 ½% and due one year from the date of execution. The original loan was $500,000, and principal payments have reduced the outstanding balance to $350,000 as of November 2.

Revision of Estimates for Fort Wayne Campus Construction

5.A.(14) Mr. Franklin reported that the request to the Governor, State Budget Agency and State Budget Committee for the planning of additional construction at the Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne Regional Campus to encompass needs for present enrollment and future increases to 1970 lists an amount of $9,237,000. This represents a downward revision of approximately $63,000 from the earlier estimates approved in the October 19, 1967, meeting, (Item 1.J.). Planning will be done by architects Walter Scholer representing Purdue and A. M. Strauss Associates representing Indiana University, as previously approved.

Estate Matters

5.B. The following estate matters were reported for the information of the Trustees:


The following exhibits appeared in the agenda for the information of the Trustees:

Meeting Adjourned

The Trustees adjourned at 3:25 p.m. to meet again on call of the Secretary on December 15, 1967.

C. E. Harrell, Secretary